14 posts tagged with "career"
Specialists vs Generalists
August 26, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: careerstrategyleadership
At different points of your teams evolutions you're going to need different skillsets. Sometimes you'll need generalists that can do a bit…
The True Cost of Outsourcing
August 19, 2020, 2 min read, tagged as: careerstrategyleadership
Outsourcing is a popular option for individuals and organizations trying to bootstrap their product in a cost effective way. Comparing the…
Hope is not a strategy when building a team
August 12, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: careerstrategyleadership
The most important trait of a world class team is that everyone is rowing in the same direction. This doesn't happen by chance. Nothing has…
The best tech stack for your project in 2020
August 05, 2020, 3 min read, tagged as: careerstrategyleadership
There's two philosophies when it comes to choosing the right tech stack. 1. First solve the problem. Then write the code. What makes your…
Reflecting on my Team Building Strategy
July 29, 2020, 4 min read, tagged as: careerstrategyleadership
Strategy is not a lengthy action plan. It is the evolution of a central idea through continually changing circumstances. - Jack Welch The…
Creating an Engineering Growth Map
May 20, 2020, 3 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
Becoming a great engineer doesn't happen by chance. Aside from continuing to develop technical skills, it takes support, focus and direction…
The real secret to achieving your goals
May 13, 2020, 2 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about goals. I believe that by setting clear, attainable goals and being able to measure successes or…
What makes a good engineering culture?
May 06, 2020, 7 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
Empowerment. A healthy culture creates empowerment which breeds ownership, proactivity and resilience. A healthy culture creates happiness…
What does a Senior Software Engineer do?
April 27, 2020, 6 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
In a previous article, I talked about what I do as a Director of Engineering . After reading some of the fantastic conversation on Hacker…
What does a Director of Engineering do?
April 15, 2020, 7 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
I've been fortunate in my career to be part of organizations that have always constantly pushed me. When I started with the company I'm…
"What are your salary expectations?" - How to figure out what really motivates you, besides money
April 10, 2020, 5 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
We're in the golden age of technology. The demand for developers and individuals that understand technology far outweighs the supply and it…
10 Tips for working from home that actually work
March 22, 2020, 2 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
Working from home, or working "remotely" has been a trend that's been becoming more popular on for a while. For employees its an opportunity…
20 examples of ambitious and achievable SMART goals
November 10, 2019, 1 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
Defining SMART goals is one of the most important steps to success. You need to figure out where you're going so that you can make a plan of…
The 5 most important things to look for in your next job
October 29, 2019, 4 min read, tagged as: careermentorship
Tl;dr at the bottom of the post. What do you see yourself doing next year? How about 5 years from now? I always thought I knew what I wanted…