5 posts tagged with "quick tip"
Quick JavaScript Tip: Emptying an array without losing reference
April 17, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: javascriptcodequick tip
Quick JavaScript Tip: Overwriting an array's length property gives us an easy way to truncate and clear its content.
Quick JavaScript Tip: Storing unique data using Sets
April 13, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: javascriptcodequick tip
Quick JavaScript Tip: Sets in JavaScript are a great way to store unique values. You can even convert Arrays to Sets to deduplicate them.
Quick VSCode Tip: Easily scaffold folders for your new file
April 08, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: vscodequick tip
Quick Visual Studio Code Tip: Typing a path into Visual Studio Code's new file prompt will scaffold out the folder structure if it doesn't…
Quick JavaScript Tip: TypeScript checking in JavaScript
April 03, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: javascripttypescriptcodequick tip
Quick JavaScript Tip: If you're writing JavaScript in Visual Studio Code, add // @ts-check to the top of your file to gain some benefits…
Why you should be destructuring your method parameters in ES6
April 02, 2020, 1 min read, tagged as: javascriptcodequick tip
A lot of times when we're defining methods and creating classes, we use "config objects" to group parameters in a neat way so that we don't…